Tuesday, March 18, 2008

And The Next Great Leader is....

Look around at who is successful in MLM,

and you will see they are all leaders. The

one way you can become a leader is to find

someone willing to follow you. The one way

that can happen is if THEY consider you

to be the guru who knows the success

secret and will reveal it to them.

People are looking for a leader who truly

believes. When you can tap into your own

bedrock core level of inner belief, you will be

astonished at how many people YOU can

inspire. Network marketers will see you as a

leader, because true motivational leaders

are few and far between. To be considered

a wizard in network marketing, all you need

is true, inspiring, motivating belief.

You're probably wondering what chance

you have to be a leader. I understand. If you

stumble in the dark looking for the right

path, how can you show it to others? The

truth is, you are very, very close to being

able to show that path to others ... even if

you aren't all that confident yet yourself.
All you need are a few skills (and, of

course, total belief).

If you are someone who

is coach-able, and if you are willing to learn

the skills, then YOU can be the star in

your chosen MLM niche. You can be the

#1 person people turn to when they can't

do it themselves. YOU can be The Wizard

of Oz for some group of people whose

future depends on finding a model they can

trust and follow.

If you truly want success in network

marketing, then you MUST become that

strong leader.

So the question is, how do you get there

from here? You see the people around you,

and there just is no one who would follow

you. And even if they would, you're at least

a bit confused as to where you would lead

them. Maybe you have some possibilities,

but there's just no certainty that's strong

enough to inspire very many people. Worse,

you have your own moments of self-doubt

when you think there's just no way you'll

ever get to the place you want in life.

Success is so far away, it's almost like a

dream. But the fact is, with the right training

and some dedicated effort on your part,

"YOU" as an inspirational leader could be

just a few weeks away ... not months or

years. Will you make a commitment to your

(More in the next message ...)

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